Friday, July 23, 2010

A light in the dark...

"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." ~Luke 8:16~

Yesterday marked my 3 week anniversary at Harriman. I have found that in the last three weeks I've slowly melded into the "family" here at camp. I'm pleased to say that, as I happliy told one of the counselors, that Harrimian Lodge staff have been in my dreams; a sure indication that I've fully integrated into the culture here.

As I've been here these past 3 weeks, getting to know people, the in's and out's of Harriman, and how I fit in, I was struck by the above verse during time with the Lord. I've never found myself in an environment before where my foundation of solid, Jesus-loving friends were not present and where I was left wondering if I was the only Christian. I've been blessed to get to know John, the director's wife, Christine as well as one of the admin staff who are also striving to live out what it means to be a light on a stand.

I have grown to LOVE the staff here...British invasion and all. :) And while I've spend 5-6 days a week working in the health center, I've been able to do some fun things as well, like spend some time with my dear friend Sarah Couch helping out at Camp Anne, the sister camp of Harriman Lodge. Sarah was one of my best friends while I was on the Africa Mercy in Togo, West Africa, and is the reason I came here to New York in the first place.
We took the opportunity, one afternoon during a day off together, to to something that tested my personal fears... climbing on a ropes course!

Sarah planned out afternoon out, not knowing I'm deathly afriad of heights, and as we drove in... I'll admit it.. my face grew white. However, I was determined to allow the activity to help me get over my fear of heights, and so my surprise and amazement.. it did just that! By the end, I was climbing, balancing, and zip lining throught the courses. Check out the pics. :)
Praying for God's heart to be revealed here at Harriman Lodge this summer.

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