Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Screening Day...

Hello Everyone!

A quick update that screening day has been re-scheduled!!! This Saturday, March 26, we will have our second screening day starting at 0400 for security workers at an old UN facility in Freetown.

I am SO excited that we finally have a date set up, but would ask that everyone BATHE this day in PRAYER. We are all still praying that those who traveled for the first screening who are still in Freetown and will hear about the screening day.

I found out that I will be a "pre-pre-screener"; a.k.a. one of the staff who will be going through the lines, sorting out the symptoms/needs of those waiting in line. I had this same job at a screening day in Lome, Togo last year, and it was honestly one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do in my whole life. Essentially, I will be one of the people who will have to say "no" to those who are waiting in line for health conditions that Mercy Ships cannot not treat.

Top prayer requests would be:

1) That those who are waiting in Freetown would hear about the screening and come to the screening site Saturday.
2) That any evil powers/people would be bound from coming and stirring up the crowds.
3) That God would bring to the screening day each and every person He desires and that Mercy Ships can serve.
4) That hope & grace would abound and God's love shown amidst all of the "no's" we will need to tell hundreds of desperate people.
5) Safety for the Mercy Ships staff and Sierra Leoneans.

Thank you SO much! Just to let you know as well, I intend to catch up on my blogging in the next few days. :) So look forward to new pictures and stories! :)

P.S. Just as an update, today was my 3rd day on my own as charge nurse. I have felt constantly overwhelmed and pulled in 120 directions- pretty much behind and late in all my assignments, etc. It has left me needing to apply the words I often tell new nurses; "Be sure that, in the midst of all the adjustments, you first have grace for others and then grace for yourself." Ahh... yes. To, actually take my own advice. Thank you so much for all of those who have kept me in prayer. Please continue! :) Blessings to you all today!

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